Stir Fried Meat Balls (Sri Lankan Style)

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The word “meatballs” brings me memories of my high school cafeteria. Once a week, we had spaghetti with meatballs for lunch. The recipe I am sharing with you has nothing to do with spaghetti. In fact, I created this meat balls recipe as I love Sri Lankan stir fried recipes. This recipe is similar to several Sri Lankan stir fried recipes, but I did the adjustments for my taste. In Sri Lanka, we have already spiced meatballs packets to buy if we wish. In the city where I live, I buy meatballs with no added sauces or spices. You can use any type of meatballs as far as it is close to the natural taste.

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  • 250g of meat balls- cut in to halves
  • 2 green chillies – chopped
  • One medium size onion – sliced
  • ½ of a medium size tomato – cut in to cubes
  • 1 stick of cinnamon.,
  • 2-3 pieces of pandan leaf
  • 5 whole black pepper seeds
  • 1 tsp of red chilli flakes
  • Few curry leaves
  • Cooking oil
  • Salt to taste


Turn on the stove to a medium heat. Add about 2 tbsp of cooking oil to a large pan. Once the oil is heated, add curry leaves, pieces of pandan leaf, cinnamon stick and pepper. Let it fry for about 1 minutes. Then, add onions and stir-fry until it is light golden brown.  Now, bring in tomatoes and the green chillies and continue frying. After tomatoes are half way cooked, add red chilli flakes and some salt. Stir it well. Then add the meatball pieces and mixt well with all other ingredients. Now, cover a opt with its lid and cook for several minutes. Finally, adjust salt to taste and enjoy.

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